Year in Review 2016

I never thought I would be sitting here in December at three in the morning sewing a button on a peacoat, listening to Christmas music. Twenty-sixteen has went to the dogs. Personal tragedy, with employment setbacks have put a dim shimmer on the star that represents this year. I remember when it started I was so hopeful for the world. We were making advancements in technology and ecology. Human Rights had gotten a boost.

Then March came. My father passed with it. It was a few numb months. The feeling has come back to my cheeks. Still working through some of it.

Soon after my father went to ground, I lost my job as a recruiter. Good riddance. I can’t stand to look at LinkedIn much anymore. It completely destroyed it for me. It also taught me what I didn’t want in a job.

Then came the laughable, and deplorable Capitol Acquisitions. I can say with confidence, I cannot, nor do I desire to, sell a sinking ship. Thankfully I got a tip about Epoch Coffee. Fantastic place. Great people.

Then came the rise of Trump. Jesus, 2016, not in the nuts. Low blow. You take my father and then threaten my very country. Not cool bro. Not cool!

I honestly have no idea what to think about my country at this point. Half of you should really get your shit together, the other half basically elected a yelling cheeto. The first thing this rug-wearing cheese puff does is basically spit on the Consitution of the nation as we currently know it. He’s like… Taking a shit on it. Just, all over it. And no one is swatting him with a rolled up newspaper.

Let me be clear: We the People of the United States of America… Fucked up.

We. Just. Fucked. Up.

But I’m not all hum-glum. Twenty-seventeen will be a productive year for me. Quite a few projects coming to conclusion. So that’s nice.